Rotator Cuff Exercises |
Exercises are to be performed in a step-wise fashion. DO NOT move on to the next step until all exercises can be completed in the previous step without pain, i.e. Step 1 must be completed before Step 2, Step 2 before Step 3 and so on.
None of these exercises should increase pain. If you experience pain from a particular exercise, do not practice that exercise. Be patient! Shoulder rehabilitation is a slow process and may take two to three months.
STEP 1 Exercise 1
STEP 2 Exercises 2, 3 and 4
STEP 3 Exercises 5 through 9
STEP 4 Progressive return to full activity. Movements that may be problematic include overhead activities such as throwing, swimming and reaching overhead, flat/incline bench press and military press.
STEP 1 Exercise 1
STEP 2 Exercises 2, 3 and 4
STEP 3 Exercises 5 through 9
STEP 4 Progressive return to full activity. Movements that may be problematic include overhead activities such as throwing, swimming and reaching overhead, flat/incline bench press and military press.
If you have difficulty returning to full activity, contact your physician.
Exercise 1
1. Bend forward at waist.
2. Support weight with “good” arm on table.
3. Lightly swing “bad” arm in small circles (clockwise and counter-clockwise).
4. Keep “bad” arm completely relaxed.
5. Do two sets of 10 repetitions, twice a day.
1. Bend forward at waist.
2. Support weight with “good” arm on table.
3. Lightly swing “bad” arm in small circles (clockwise and counter-clockwise).
4. Keep “bad” arm completely relaxed.
5. Do two sets of 10 repetitions, twice a day.
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