Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Rotator Cuff Exercises - Program and Rehabilitation

Rotator Cuff Exercises
Rotator Cuff Exercises Program and Rehabilitation. This will guide you to better Rotator Cuff Exercises including Program and Rehabilitation. These exercises are designed for rehabilitation of the painful shoulder. They should be used under the guidance of a physician. 

Exercises are to be performed in a step-wise fashion. DO NOT move on to the next step until all exercises can be com­pleted in the previous step without pain, i.e. Step 1 must be completed before Step 2, Step 2 before Step 3 and so on.
None of these exercises should increase pain. If you experience pain from a particular exercise, do not practice that exercise. Be patient! Shoulder rehabilitation is a slow process and may take two to three months.
STEP 1 Exercise 1
STEP 2 Exercises 2, 3 and 4
STEP 3 Exercises 5 through 9
STEP 4 Progressive return to full activity. Movements that may be problematic include overhead activities such as throwing, swimming and reaching overhead, flat/incline bench press and military press.
If you have difficulty returning to full activity, contact your physician.
Exercise 1
1.      Bend forward at waist.
2.      Support weight with “good” arm on table.
3.      Lightly swing “bad” arm in small circles (clockwise and counter-clockwise).
 4.      Keep “bad” arm completely relaxed.
5.      Do two sets of 10 repetitions, twice a day.

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