Team Building Exercises and 10 team building activities ideas and tips. Get now,Team Building Exercises including largest resource of team building games activities.
The Basics Team Building Exercises
This section includes a variety of icebreakers, energizers and team-building activities for use at your meetings. These are some suggestions on ways to have some fun, establish trust and build shared experiences between group members. Team building activities and icebreakers are fun ways to start the process of building a strong team based on positive relationships. They can allow group members to get to know each other, practice different styles of communication, make group decisions, solve problems, work with people they wouldn’t ordinarily, test leadership skills, and laugh together. Energizers can help renew the group or release tension that may develop. Initially, the adult leader assumes responsibility for creating a safe comfortable group environment, however it is essential that theyouth are part of maintaining positive group energy. As the group becomes more established, youth can assume the role of planning and facilitating energizers and team-building activities. This is an excellent way to involve youth in the group and to foster leadership skills. The adult may need to work withthe youth to develop skills in assessing the group so they can effectively plan and facilitate activities. The Awesome Activities tip sheet included in the Leadership Developmentsection is a valuable resource for youth to help plan and facilitate activities successfully.
Group Profile
Materials: newsprint, markers, tape
Preparation: Trace an outline of the human body onnewsprint. List the following topics outside the outline next to the coordinatingbody part:
Head: dreams or goals we have (for our community)
Ears: things we like to listen to
Eyes: How we like other people to see us
Shoulders: problems young people may have to face.
Hands: things we like to make or do (with our hands)
Stomach: things we like to eat
Heart: things we feel strongly about
Right foot: places we would like to go
Head: dreams or goals we have (for our community)
Ears: things we like to listen to
Eyes: How we like other people to see us
Shoulders: problems young people may have to face.
Hands: things we like to make or do (with our hands)
Stomach: things we like to eat
Heart: things we feel strongly about
Right foot: places we would like to go
Post outline of body on the wall. Invite participants to come up to the poster and write things or pictures to represent each area forthem. This is done grafitti style, free form. After everyone has had a chance to participate, askfor volunteers to report to the group on what is listed.
Post outline of body on the wall. Invite participants to come up to the poster and write things or pictures to represent each area forthem. This is done grafitti style, free form. After everyone has had a chance to participate, askfor volunteers to report to the group on what is listed.
- What are common interests? Shared goals? Dreams?
- Were there any themes?
- What are the things we feel strongly about? How dothese relate to our group’s work?
Honey, Love You
The group forms and sits in a circle. Ask for a volunteer to start the game. That player approaches one person and says, “Honey, I love you.” That person must respond by saying, ““Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile.” If that person smiles while speaking these words, he/she becomes “it.” If the person does not smile, the player who started out must approach a new person until he/she makes someone smile. “It” is not allowed to touch a player as he/she speaks, but anything else is fair play. This is a funny one, but participants should have worked together first and have some level of comfort with each other for it to work!
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